Podcast Episode 3. Learning at Citi with Design Lead Laurie Rebholtz

Oct 26, 2018 by Mike Estler

In the third episode of The Learning Conversation podcast, Laurie Rebholtz, Design Lead - Leadership and Performance Solutions, at Citi joins Nomadic’s co-founders to discuss learning at Citi, an organization with more than 200,000 employees worldwide.

In this episode we talk about what professional development should look like for L&D professionals and how Nomadic partnered with Citi to bring effective learning to their internal L&D function. We also discuss how the relationship between learning and senior business stakeholders is changing, trends in learning, inside and outside Citi, and how Laurie sees the skills L&D professionals need evolving as learning itself changes.

Listen to the full podcast episode and don’t forget to subscribe via iTunes or SoundCloud for future episodes.

Want to learn more about how Nomadic can create exceptional learning experiences in your organization? Book a demo today!

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