
L&D Disruptors Toolkit Part 3: How to Support Your Organization Through Transformation

Discover how to leverage learning as a strategic tool for navigating transformation with our exclusive L&D Disruptors Toolkit. This essential guide is designed for forward-thinking leaders inside and outside of L&D who are ready to support their organizations through change and ensure long-term success.

Latest Research and Insights

How we’re exploring the use of AI

At Nomadic, we have always based our digital learning methodology on how we can best help people learn. From over a decade of experience, we know that people learn best in cohorts and in conversation with other people. That brings us to AI

In Conversation: five questions with Jagjeet Doheley

Check out Jagjeet Doheley's thoughts on how she encourages connectivity and community in helping companies and individuals grow, how businesses need to address their challenges in human-centric ways, and why you should always maintain your curiosity.

In Conversation: five questions with Troels Wendelbo

Check out this interview with Troels Wendelbo from LEGO Group to hear his thoughts about why we need to rethink the role of learning at organizations and the role of human interaction in driving change and transformation.

In Conversation : five questions with Rosemary Hoskins

Check out Rosemary Hoskins's thoughts on learning and development today, including how enterprise-wide tech is creating new opportunities to scale data collection, how learning from experience is under-appreciated, and why you should never be afraid to ask questions.

L&D trends to watch: Why build a digital academy?

Check out this list of best practices to help you create a digital academy that will drive real L&D impact at your organization. As cohort-based academies gain traction as a solution, there are a few key details to keep in mind.

In Conversation: five questions with Kevin Alster

Check out Kevin Alster's thoughts on how roles are changing in L&D, how L&D can do a better job connecting solutions to business transformations, and why you should scale AI incrementally in your learning solution.

In Conversation: five questions with Sonia Mooney

Check out our interview with Sonia Mooney, HR consultant, to hear her perspective on keeping people in mind when solving problems and connecting the dots between functions.

How learning can support Agile transformation

Discover the basics of Agile transformation and how learning can support a move toward a more efficient, stronger organization, including strategies to ensure L&D efforts can lead to more effective business transformation of all kinds.

How to build a learning cohort

Dive into the four elements of cohort learning to keep in mind to make your cohort-based learning as impactful as possible, and a great experience for everyone involved.

How cohort-based learning spurs mindset shift and behavioral change

Explore why cohort-based learning is one of the most effective ways to drive mindset shift and behavioral change, helping managers and other knowledge workers gain the capabilities and approaches they need to thrive in today's fast-paced business environment.

In Conversation: five questions with Christopher Lind

Check out our interview with Christopher Lind, VP and chief learning officer at ChenMed, to hear his thoughts on emerging trends in L&D, what he wishes more people understood about learning, and advice for people just starting their careers in L&D.

The Learner Engagement Hub

Discover our best resources on learner engagement, exploring topics like how to drive improved learner engagement at your organization, the relationship between cohort-based learning and learner engagement, and how a consultative approach to L&D can bolster engagement.

L&D tips: how to create a learning strategy with maximum impact

Discover how L&D can support mission-critical business initiatives by designing a learning strategy that fosters collaboration and empowers learners with the skills and capabilities they need to thrive today. (Hint: the right metrics make a huge difference!)

Why cohorts keep learners engaged

Dive into three ways cohort-based learning is effective for driving learner engagement, including how it can help your organization leverage the best digital learning has to offer...without the Zoom fatigue.

Semi-synchronous collaborative learning: a definition

Read about semi-synchronous collaborative learning, a digital learning model that offers the flexibility of asynchronous learning alongside the motivation, great learner engagement, and community spark most often associated with synchronous learning solutions.

How learning drives business transformation

Read my interview with Matt Burr, Nomadic's CEO and co-founder, exploring how learning can help drive transformations of all kinds—and why this moment is so important for elevating the strategic role of L&D.

Five ways managers can create a great hybrid or remote work culture

Read about five established best practices to create a productive, healthy, and fun work culture while managing a remote or hybrid team. The transition to remote and hybrid work doesn't mean losing a great work culture in the shuffle, and managers play a key part in fostering a positive work environment.

Why is online cohort-based learning so popular today?

Read why cohort-based learning is the best way to solve today's business problems, and why the old L&D methods can't create the knowledge our learners and businesses need to succeed now.

How to drive learner engagement with great UX

What's the relationship between user experience and learner engagement? Dive into tips for creating a learner experience that fosters great learner engagement, including creating a learning platform that captures and keeps learners' attention and making sure learners feel empowered along the way.

Why is cohort-based learning so effective?

Cohort-based learning is one of the buzziest topics in L&D. Dive into the details of why this social, collaborative learning model is so effective. (One of them will likely surprise you.)

How do you address bias in hybrid and remote work?

Explore the root causes of bias in the virtual workplace, along with four strategies for taking advantage of the opportunities hybrid and remote work provides while still prioritizing DEI and employee wellbeing.

The Cohort-Based Learning Hub

Dive into all our best resources on cohort-based learning. Cohort based courses are one of the buzziest topics in L&D right now, and this hub page gives you all the info you need to explore why cohorts are so powerful for learning.

Key strategies for learner engagement

Learner engagement isn't one-size-fits-all, but there are key strategies that will help engage learners at any organization. Explore tips in how to keep learners engaged through great communication and social learning strategies.

Four reasons cohort-based courses are so powerful

Cohort-based courses are a deeply effective model because they tap into the way humans learn, socialize, and work together. Discover four reasons cohort-based learning is so powerful, including how it helps learners get the mindset skills they need to thrive today.

Best practices for learner engagement

Explore effective strategies for driving learner engagement at your organization, with examples from Nomadic clients who have launched successful L&D initiatives at their companies and kept their learners feeling engaged, empowered, and excited about the learning.

Building a capability academy: seven key steps

Discover how to build a successful capability academy, and why capability academies are so effective for driving business transformation. Explore seven steps for making sure your capability academy achieves desired outcomes.

How a consultative L&D strategy can drive learner engagement

Learn how a consultative approach to L&D can drive learner engagement, business transformation, and more. Explore tips for making L&D an internal business partner, fostering stakeholder engagement, and putting learners at the center of your efforts.

Five tips for improving learner engagement

Discover what learner engagement in corporate digital learning environments looks like and how it can be measured and improved. Plus, explore the technical capabilities necessary to measure and foster great learner engagement.

What is a capability academy, and why is it so relevant now?

Learn why capability academies are emerging as a key best practice in L&D, especially as a way to help people managers share their knowledge with each other, and make the learning immediately relevant to their work.

What makes a story effective for learning?

Read how stories are the fuel that powers great digital cohort-based learning. Humans have used storytelling to teach and learn for centuries, and digital learning is no different.

Arguing at work (and why it’s not all that bad)

One aspect of effective cohort-based learning design is teaching learners to argue. Read more about how cohorts provide space to disagree constructively.

Why cohort-based learning now?

Cohorts are an immensely effective learning tool for hard-to-teach domains like leadership and creativity. Learn why cohort-based experiences are the new “secret sauce” of effective learning.

DEI in the Hybrid Workplace

Diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts are key to making your hybrid workplace successful. Learn three key strategies for DEI in hybrid work.

Our hybrid work toolkit

Experts in hybrid work––including researchers, authors, and industry leaders––answer today’s top questions about the shift to hybrid.

Best practices for hybrid work

Leaders in diverse industries are thinking deeply about the future of collaboration both in-office and virtually as many companies transition away from the fully remote work models they used during the pandemic.

How do you democratize leadership?

Teams that prize a culture of shared accountability are more innovative, more successful and better prepared

Remote Work Trends Report

We launched the Remote Work Bootcamp (RWBC) in March 2020 to help with the sudden and enforced move to remote work. Now, several months into the RWBC, we’re taking stock of the data and feedback we have received from our learners.

Notes from the Nomads: Part 2

Debra Newcomer, Senior Partner at Nomadic Learning shares her experience breaking away from the temptation to work constantly

Notes from the Nomads: Part 1

The first in a series of video interviews with our own team, talking about the challenges they face as they navigate the consequences of the pandemic.

Building Levels of Resilience

Discover insights for leaders, managers, L&D professionals, and more at the Nomadic Learning blog.

Agility in the Digital Age: Can you Afford Not to Change?

In this video, part of Nomadic’s vast library of content, we explore the history and definition of the Agile methodology. We discuss the characteristics of an agile team as well as the benefits that can be gained from applying the principles to all areas of the organization.

Power by the Hour

Discover insights for leaders, managers, L&D professionals, and more at the Nomadic Learning blog.

New Approaches to Digital Learning can Prove that Learning Matters

Demonstrating learning ROI has become more important than ever. In this article, we show you, four traditional learning metrics that we still need to pay attention to, and four new metrics that can help you prove the value of learning.

6 Ways For Virtual Leaders To Communicate Effectively

The nature of leadership has changed now that many of us are leading virtual teams. In this article, Robert Burnside, former CLO at Ketchum discusses 6 ways for virtual leaders to communicate effectively.

Depth vs. Breadth: How Digital Communities of Practice Get the Balance Right

When we’re faced with an overwhelming number of learning options while we’re also trying to do our jobs, we aren’t typically inspired to want to learn at all - In this article, Nomad Carolyn Ruocco, explains how Digital Communities for Practice get the the balance between depth and breath right.

Not All Enterprise Learning Platforms are Created Equal

LXPs are a vast improvement on the old LMS. But they’re not suitable for all types of learning. The emerging DCP category should be the preferred approach for changing mindsets, driving transformation and developing mastery in your chosen profession.

In Search of the Digital Community of Practice

At Nomadic, we are obsessed with creating engaging, meaningful, view-changing learning experiences. In this article Nomadic's CEO explains the concept of digital communities of practice and how they create deeply engaging learning.

Our 2018 Holiday Wish List

Nomads love to celebrate and the end of the year holidays are no exception. In this blog post we share our holiday season wish list.

Digital Learning - Qualitative data leads to actionable insights

In digital learning quantitative data alone only gives you a part of the picture. In this article, Nomad Adam Bai discusses how to mine qualitative data for great insights.

Nomadic’s Approach to Learning Design

At Nomadic our approach to learning design lies on the fact that we don’t want to teach - our focus is on what we want people to learn. That small shift informs every aspect of our process. And, leads to more effective collaborative learning.

The Key Ingredient For Creating Exceptional Learning

Extraordinary content, design, and technology get us some—but not all—of the way to exceptional learning. There’s one more key element: social interaction. In this article we show you how to include social interaction to create exceptional learning experiences.

When we make it we use it - Nomads use Nomadic

At Nomadic, we know the importance of "eating our own dog food" for our success. In this article, Nomad Carolyn Ruocco talks about how Nomads use Nomadic everyday.

The Seven Cs of Learning that Flows

Flow, a term first coined by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi is now a phenomenon being applied to effective learning. In this article Nomad Debra Newcomer presents the history of the term as well as as discussing how Josh Bersin is applying the concept to corporate learning.

Is more choice better for learning? Why the Netflix model doesn't work

Right now, people are obsessed with the concept of a Netflix for learning - in this article, Adam Bai explains why this model doesn't work and how we should think about choice in the learning context

AI and L&D - OI VEI!

Robert Burnside, former CLO of Ketchum discusses AI as a current trend in the L&D world and how to make sense of it to improve ROI

The Learning Conversation Podcast Pilot. The changing role of L&D

In the first episode of The Learning Conversation we discuss the changing role of learning in organizations, touching on the skills L&D require, where L&D might fit in today’s organizations, and why learning is so focused on the individual, not the team.

Collaborative Learning: How to Evaluate Your Content

Collaborative learning that supports true transformation depends on great content. In a digital context, this is especially true. In this article we show you a great tool to evaluate your current and future content.

Digital Learning: The Dance Between Digital and Classroom Learning

In this article we explore how the practice of digital learning is evolving and we outline the best approaches to integrate it in the classroom. There’s clearly a new model of learning emerging in the world, and we can all work together to perfect it.

Leadership Development - Webinar Poll Results

During a recent webinar we polled attendees on various learning questions. It seems people recognize that leadership is changing, that alignment is a problem, and that getting more people involved in leadership development using digital learning is part of the solution

Learning Analytics - Beyond Quiz Scores and Completion

For L&D leaders today, measuring e-learning ROI is imperative. Why are we still using the same old incomplete KPIs to measure success? Learn how Nomadic's platform uses 4 additional metrics to complete the picture.

Digital Learning Design - Early Influences

Here at Nomadic we're a team of entrepreneurs, writers, developers, designers, and filmmakers--but at our core we're all teachers. Learn how our early influences impacted our digital learning design!

Leadership Development Training: Skip the 100,000 Books on Amazon

Every single organization is trying to improve their leadership capabilities. Even the smallest organizations feel the pressure to be better at leadership. Learn more about Nomadic's approach to leadership development training!

Digital Learning: Can it Work Without Great Content?

Producing good learning content is hard - producing great content is even harder. Without great content digital learning can’t be successful. Learn more about Nomadic’s approach to content creation!

Introducing Resources

Combining informal, personalized learning with team-based structured learning.

The Return of the Cohort

The story of web-based learning, from the first recognized online program at the Open University 20 years ago

Enterprise Learning’s New Panacea

There are lots of things about personalized learning that we love. But it's not an answer to all of online learning's problems.