Introducing the Remote Work Bootcamp

Mar 17, 2020 by Matt Burr

Remote work can be hard. We're all learning that right now. Things go wrong a lot. The technology is always a little wonky. Random family members interrupt meetings. Somebody often ends up on mute.

Our first instinct is to blame the tools. But the technology is just the tip of the iceberg. The much bigger thing is how the other people on our teams USE the tools. Working well remotely is a skill. But it's not just an individual skill. It's a group skill. We succeed or fail together.

For the past five years our team at Nomadic has built digital programs that have helped tens of thousands of employees at organizations around the world make the transition to remote work. We’re taking what we’ve learnt from that experience and launching the Remote Work Bootcamp, a digital learning program for individuals, teams, and organizations that need to get better at working remotely. Fast. We’re making it available as cheaply as we can, and free for NGOs, Charities and non-profit organizations.

Learn more below and check our LinkedIn page and Twitter feed for updates about when we go live.

Program Overview:

The Remote Work Bootcamp is made up of 4 Field Manuals (our version of an online module). Field Manuals are concentrated bursts of deep learning, intended for immediate application. Each one contains a variety of types of content and social exercises culminating in a mini-project, reflection, or debate. Each Field Manual will take 30-45 minutes to complete, but you can jump on and off at your own pace, as often as you’d like. The deeper learning happens in the discussions with your fellow learners, so be sure to check in on the conversations regularly.

Field Manual #1: Tools + Rules Choosing the right tools to power your remote teams is essential, but it’s just the first step. If your teams don’t have clearly established formal rules and informal norms for how those tools are used, chaos can follow. This Field Manual helps make sense of the digital tools you’ll need and asks you to work together to establish how you want to use them.

Field Manual #2: Space + Routine Working remotely forces us into the conundrum of creating space to actually get work done. That’s especially difficult when children are home and distractions are nearly infinite. This Field Manual looks at practical steps you and your team can take to create space and set up effective routines.

Field Manual #3: Trust + Relationships Learning to trust people you never see is incredibly challenging. The best remote teams work hard to help their people build meaningful, trusting relationships anyway. This Field Manual looks at a variety of ways to build trust quickly, develop real relationships that last over time, and adopt a series of practices that support the emotional health of a remote team.

Field Manual #4: Uncertainty + Resilience We’re in a period of profound uncertainty with no end in sight. Teams that can adapt quickly and establish a good rhythm of remote working will be more resilient and effective, regardless of what happens next. This Field Manual looks at what that resilience can look like. But it also asks something even harder: What can we be hopeful about right now? How can we cultivate and protect that hope?

Agility in the Digital Age: Can you Afford Not to Change?

In this video, part of Nomadic’s vast library of content, we explore the history and definition of the Agile methodology. We discuss the characteristics of an agile team as well as the benefits that can be gained from applying the principles to all areas of the organization.