Conversations from The Remote Work Bootcamp

May 04, 2020 by Nomadic Team

We launched the Nomadic Academy with our Remote Work Bootcamp a month ago. Thousands of learners are discussing the challenges around remote work and adjusting to the new normal, helping each other address and solve emerging challenges.

Here are just a few of the topics our members are talking about:

Rules and norms around remote work: Learners are sharing the different rules they have set and the norms that their teams are establishing right now around digital collaboration tools, working hours, communication while at home, and more. One hotly debated topic is whether all virtual meeting attendees should turn their webcams on.

Physical work spaces and routines: Not all of our learners had much time to prepare a home office space, but they have some creative solutions. They’re sharing the updates they’ve made to their laptops, their desks, and the space that surrounds where they work. Many people’s routines and schedules are still new, so as they share what they’re doing they’re also offering tips to help each other succeed.

Connections with team members: Many of our learners are adjusting to working without their team members by their sides. They’re working through ways to sustain the trust and strong relationships on their teams virtually. Some of them are working on shared music playlists, remote lunch and learns, and remote buddy programs (which we call co-wanderers).

Resilience amidst uncertainty: While improving the way we work remotely is a crucial task, we can’t do so without addressing the global crisis that has forced us into this transition. Learners are sharing how they’re coping with the uncertainty of our world, in ways big and small. They’re reflecting on how prepared their organizations were for this moment, pondering what the future of work will look like, and reporting on how their teams, families, and neighbors are staying resilient and finding signs of hope.

We’re so excited to see these conversations starting, and can’t wait to watch members of the Nomadic Academy continue to help each other thrive. If you’re transitioning to remote work and would like to tap into a global network of professionals in the same boat, join the Remote Work Bootcamp today.