Why We’re Launching a Management and Leadership Academy Now.

Jun 26, 2020 by Nomadic Team

We’ve been thinking about doing a management and leadership product since the founding of Nomadic Learning in 2012. The first prototype Program we built to raise seed money was a leadership program based on the Art of War.

But we had always shied away from committing ourselves to a full management and leadership offering. We felt we didn’t have much to say that was radically different from what was already being said. There wasn’t a sense of urgency that people really needed to learn new ways of managing and leading their teams, or that organizations needed to change how they developed management and leadership talent.

That has all changed.

In the last few years the pace of change and degree of uncertainty has increased. The global coronavirus pandemic has poured fuel on the fire. Managers and leaders everywhere are struggling to make sense of new challenges facing their organizations and their people.

Old topics, and more importantly, old ways of learning those topics, are becoming less and less applicable to the times we live in.

That’s why we’re launching the Nomadic Academy now. The Nomadic Academy helps managers and leaders quickly develop the skills, mindset, and network needed to thrive in times of great uncertainty. It covers the topics that are essential to successful team management and organizational leadership in complex, unstable times, and is built to constantly evolve as new challenges emerge.

The Nomadic Academy puts collaboration at the very heart of learning. In a world where no one really has the answers, traditional top-down approaches to learning no longer work. We create spaces for people to figure out solutions together, inspired by interesting cases, stories, and data.

We are currently seeking organizations to pilot the Nomadic Academy. Pilot participants will receive preferential pricing, an extended license term, and the opportunity to help us shape the Academy. Exlpore our site to learn more. To apply to become a pilot participant, contact us here.

We look forward to seeing you in the Academy.