Remote Work Trends Report

Jul 16, 2020 by Nomadic Team

Nomadic Academy found that 27% of our learners are working remotely for the first time ever because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Up until March 2020, remote work was a thought experiment for most organizations. The pandemic changed that. It rewrote every rule of working, and pushed us into a massive global experiment with implementing remote work at scale.

We knew it would be difficult and worked fast to offer support. We launched the Remote Work Bootcamp (RWBC) in March 2020 to help newly remote workers. Now, several months into the RWBC, we’re taking stock of the data and feedback we have received from our learners.

Here are a few highlights from the Report:

Nearly a quarter of respondents—23%—were unprepared for the shift to remote work

Leadership matters. 47% of our learners say they trust their leaders more now than before the pandemic

Our next challenge is sustaining remote work. 38% of learners do not feel prepared for the next phase of this crisis

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