The Cohort-Based Learning Hub

Apr 21, 2022 by Nomadic Team

Explore our best resources on what cohort-based learning is, why cohort courses are so effective for transforming leaders and organizations, and how to make sure you get the most out of your cohort-based learning experience.

Cohort-Based Learning: What It Is and How to Make it Effective

Why cohort-based learning now? What’s behind the explosion of interest in cohort-based learning––and why it's the best way to learn the skills essential to leadership today.

Four reasons cohort-based courses are so powerful. We define cohort-based learning and explore four reasons why this social learning model is so effective.

Peer interactions, not star instructors: how to make your cohort-based learning count. Research has shown that peer interactions are more important than instructor skill in influencing learning outcomes. Here’s how cohorts can maximize this impact.

The advantages of cohort-based learning. To explore why cohort-based learning provides a huge leap forward in digital learning design, we turn to a figure completely outside the world of L&D: Steve Jobs.

Effective cohort-based learning: three basics of great cohort design. To create impactful cohort-based experiences, there are three crucial principles learning designers must keep in mind.

Balancing social engagement with reflection: cohort-based learning design. In cohort-based learning, the balance between social engagement and individual reflection is key. Here’s how to get it right.

Why cohort-based learning makes organizations better at knowledge sharing. Want to save $31.5 billion USD a year? Cohort-based learning could be the answer––and it all comes down to improving knowledge sharing within your organization.

Arguing at work (and why it's not all that bad). Our clients tell us that arguing (constructively!) is one of the most difficult leadership skills to teach. Fortunately, cohort-based learning can help.

Put learners, not instructors, at the center of your cohorts. The majority of emerging cohort courses still look a lot like typical classroom instruction. What if there's another way to structure the cohort learning experience?

What makes a story effective for learning? Where learning is concerned, not all stories are equal. Explore how to deploy stories effectively in cohort-based courses to spur great discussions within cohorts.

How Citi, PepsiCo, & AB InBev drive transformation with cohort-based learning. This recorded event explores how these companies used cohort-based learning to drive major transformations within their organizations by offering learning at scale to their global teams.

Cohort-Based Learning and Learner Engagement

Drive learner engagement and beat Zoom fatigue with cohort-based learning. Issues like Zoom fatigue, burnout, and overwork are making it difficult for employees to find time to engage in learning. Cohort courses may provide an answer.

Asynchronous vs. synchronous learning: for remote learner engagement, choose something in between. Semi-synchronous cohort-based learning has proven a great model for sustaining learner engagement, especially for large, global teams. Here's what it is and why it helps grab and keep learners' attention.

Cohort-Based Learning and Capability Academies

What is a capability academy, and why is it so relevant now? We explore the history and the definition of the capability academy and where a cohort learning model fits in.

Building a capability academy: seven key steps. Social, cohort-based learning in a capability academy is a proven way to drive business transformation. Seven key steps can help you make sure your capability academy is as effective as possible.

From capability academy to creative marketer of the year: congrats to AB InBev! AB InBev transformed their marketing function using a cohort-based capability academy. Here's how they did it, and how it resulted in winning a record 40 Cannes Lions and Creative Marketer of the Year.


For an even more in-depth look at cohort-based learning, check out our report on how to make sure your cohort experiences are effective: Cohort-Based Learning at Scale: Eight Principles for Success. A few principles we explore include how to cultivate a sense of belonging within cohorts and how to accelerate knowledge sharing and peer facilitation.

You can also sign up for our newsletter to stay up-to-date with the latest on cohort-based learning, as well as general information on learning design, leadership, what’s happening at Nomadic, and more.

Key strategies for learner engagement

Learner engagement isn't one-size-fits-all, but there are key strategies that will help engage learners at any organization. Explore tips in how to keep learners engaged through great communication and social learning strategies.

Four reasons cohort-based courses are so powerful

Cohort-based courses are a deeply effective model because they tap into the way humans learn, socialize, and work together. Discover four reasons cohort-based learning is so powerful, including how it helps learners get the mindset skills they need to thrive today.