Remote Work Hacks: Giving Kids “Work” So You Can Work

Apr 03, 2020 by Nomadic Team

Despite the incredible tools available for us and our kids to use while learning from home, our homes are not schools. They are, though, for many of us, our offices. And the mix of kids and work can be chaotic and stressful, to say the least.

In the following video taken from the Remote Work Bootcamp, Jessaca Griffin, Independent Producer, shares her struggles and solutions balancing “mommy mode” and “work mode” while working at home with her son. She offers a groundbreaking idea that some parents at Nomadic Learning have already tried, with great success!

Before you watch, please remember that no one has all the answers. We’re all trying our best each day, each hour, each minute, and a good day looks different for every family. See how Jessaca proactively talks to her son about working from home and encourages him to create his own space, while she works in hers.

In the Remote Work Bootcamp people around the world are discussing this video and sharing tips and tricks with each other. To learn how you and your team can be a part of this and other Nomadic Academy Programs, check out our plans here.

Agility in the Digital Age: Can you Afford Not to Change?

In this video, part of Nomadic’s vast library of content, we explore the history and definition of the Agile methodology. We discuss the characteristics of an agile team as well as the benefits that can be gained from applying the principles to all areas of the organization.